Engineering Light

Blue Ridge Optics is a manufacturer of precision thin film coatings (UV-MWIR), optical assemblies, and laser optics built to your specifications for low or high-volume applications.

Off-the-shelf optics also available in our web shop.

Precision Optics for
Advanced Laser Systems

Blue Ridge Optics is a fully integrated manufacturer of Thin Film Coatings and Precision Optics used in advanced high energy laser systems. For the past 20 years, we have been a leader in the development and production of high-energy laser optics for aerospace, medical, OEM, science and laboratory applications. Specializing in high-power low absorption thin film coatings and low RMS super-polished optics, we have the capabilities to meet highly challenging requirements.

 From blanking to sub-assembly, prototype to low or high-volume production, Blue Ridge Optics has the technical resources to manage your laser optics needs.

Precision Optics Fabrication

We use the highest-quality materials, and most advanced processes and techniques to create custom and standard laser optics. Both our off-the-shelf and custom optical fabrication and polishing solutions have made us the preferred choice for thousands of clients across the globe.


High power, low absorption
thin film coatings.


Manufacturer of optics components
including laser optics & crystals.


Including lenses, beamsplitters,
waveplates, crystals & gain materials.

Thin Film Coating


Blue Ridge Optics offers cutting-edge thin film ITO coatings, AR coatings, Dielectric coatings and much more.

Engineering Capabilities for Advanced Optics

From high-speed polishing and lapping to optical shaping, we possess the latest and best in-house polishing, shaping and blanking, and material finishing equipment.

Optical Metrology for Testing Components

Your optical components for advanced laser applications are only as good as the testing processes and equipment used to verify their specifications. Blue Ridge Optics houses the newest in interferometers and spectrophotometers for quality control.

Contact Us

1617 Longwood Avenue
Bedford, Virginia 24523

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